Knut Michael Dawson admits he regretted leaving Spurs the very next day after joining Hull in a £4m deal: “I was 30 when Mauricio came in, and they wanted Fazio in and they wanted me out of the door. The chance to move north, the day after I’d signed I was thinking I wish I could phone Daniel saying can you send the money back and bring me back. It was like that, it was hard, then we got relegated. It was an emotional time leaving here, I’d been here for nine and a half years,” [Off the Shelf Podcast]
Andreas Han hadde jo aldri klart å tilpasse seg Poch sin fotball. Så sjølv om han angra på at han reiste, så hadde han nok angra om han IKKJE hadde reist og.
Kungreke Likte alltid Dawson, ikke noen stjernespiller men spillte med hjertet. Forstår godt at han angrer men tror ikke han burde gjøre det.
OsvaldoArdiles Schism Vanskelig å være uenig i det! Hva het stopperen vi egentlig var ute etter den gangen? Også fra La Liga mener jeg... 🤔